
Nov 29, 2024

Four At SSA Receive Presidential Rank Awards

      The Presidential Rank Awards are out. These four SSAers won awards:

Distinguished Executive (SES)

  • Rose Mary Buehler

Meritorious Executive (SES)

  • Thomas J. Fellona
  • Jose J. Lopez
  • Lydia C. Marshall


  1. Congratulations to all of them!

  2. I know and worked for one of the people that got the meritorious executive awards. Having to deal with them and their BS was one of the main reasons I decided to retire from the agency.

    1. Completely agree. You are not alone. Lost count of the number of senior people that left OARO because of Joe's actions and lack of honesty displayed on almost a daily basis.

    2. @6:53am,

      1:52am here. That's the guy. I originally met him back when he was a newby claims rep, and he turned into an absolute living nightmare. I still remember having to sit through a staff meeting once while he spent upwards of 30 minutes extolling the virtues of HIS federal career. And, anyone who didn't agree with him was privately viewed as an obstacle to be removed. Lots of people's careers were destroyed to get him where he is today.

  3. Assuming that this JL is the same one that left recently OARO, his selection for this award is a complete joke. The previous post is accurate. His incompetence and lack of integrity caused so many good people to leave the organization any way they could. This is sad. It would really be interesting to read the submission to see all the misrepresentations that must have been made and how someone like this can actually get through the approval process and receive such a distinguished award.
