
Feb 27, 2025

Don’t Let Them Panic You

      A press release:

Social Security Announces Options to its Workforce

The following message was sent to agency employees today:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) will soon implement agency-wide organizational restructuring that will include significant workforce reductions. Through these massive reorganizations, offices that perform functions not mandated by statute may be prioritized for reduction-in-force actions that could include abolishment of organizations and positions, directed reassignments, and reductions in staffing. The agency may reassign employees from non-mission critical positions to mission critical direct service positions (e.g., field offices, teleservice centers, processing centers). Reassignments may be involuntary and may require retraining for new workloads.

Employees interested in voluntarily being reassigned to a mission critical position should indicate their interest here Reassignment Questionnaire by March 14, 2025.

Employees who do not wish to undergo the restructuring process may elect to separate from federal service through retirement or resignation. To further support employees considering these options, SSA is offering the following to ALL EMPLOYEES:


  • Availability: VERA is now available to employees in all components and positions, with no exclusions. Please see eligibility criteria below.
  • Separation Window: VERA is available from March 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. Employees not eligible now or who wish to retire later in the year under early out may do so, but may be subject to restructuring activities. Employees who are not yet eligible for voluntary early retirement, but who would like to apply later in the calendar year should alert management of their intent to do so and work with their servicing benefits specialists to process their cases as their dates become due. All eligible employees taking early retirement must separate by December 31, 2025.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for early out, employees must:
    • Have 20 years of creditable service and be at least 50 years of age or have at least 25 years of creditable service at any age (this must include 5 years of civilian service).
    • Must be serving under a non-time-limited appointment.
    • Have been continuously on SSA's rolls at least 30 days prior to January 17, 2025.
    • Cannot be in receipt of an involuntary separation decision for misconduct or unsatisfactory performance.
  • Note: Retirement may affect your Federal Health Insurance eligibility. Please contact your Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) with questions.


  • Availability: VSIP will be available until noon EST on March 14 to all employees electing to separate from service across all components and positions agencywide. VSIP is limited and available on a first come basis. VSIP may be paid for an optional retirement (full retirement age), voluntary early retirement (VERA), or resignation. VSIP is not available to employees who are participating in the Deferred Resignation Program.
  • Eligibility:
    • Employees must:
      • Be serving in an appointment without time limit;
      • Be currently employed by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government for a continuous period of at least 3 years;
      • Be serving in a position covered by an agency VSIP plan (all SSA employees are covered in the agency plan);
      • Apply for and receive approval for a VSIP from the agency making the VSIP offer; and
      • Not be included in any of the ineligibility categories listed below.
    • Employees in the following categories are not eligible for a VSIP:
      • Reemployed annuitants;
      • Have a disability such that the individual is or would be eligible for disability retirement;
      • Have received a decision notice of involuntary separation for misconduct or poor performance;
      • Previously received any VSIP from the Federal Government;
      • During the 36-month period preceding the date of separation, performed service for which a student loan repayment benefit was paid, or is to be paid;
      • During the 24-month period preceding the date of separation, performed service for which a recruitment or relocation incentive was paid, or is to be paid; and
      • During the 12-month period preceding the date of separation, performed service for which a retention incentive was paid, or is to be paid.
  • Separation Window: Employees must opt in by March 14 and separate from the agency no later than April 19, 2025.  Employees may be placed on administrative leave through April 19, 2025.
  • How to Sign Up: Employees must complete the VSIP Sign Up as soon as possible, but no later than March 14, 2025 noon EST. Please let your manager know immediately if you sign up for VSIP.
    • Note: Completing the form does not guarantee VSIP.
  • Incentive Payment: Payments will be the following amounts for the grade level of your permanent position. All payments are subject to taxes and normal deductions from income. Employees are strongly encouraged to read the rules for VSIP payments.
Up to GS 8$15,000
GS 9 – 12$20,000
GS 13 and up$25,000

Employees who have reached their full retirement age may apply for optional retirement at any time. Employees serving under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) should see the OPM eligibility information for FERS, which is generally 30 years of service, plus reaching minimum retirement age. Employees serving under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) should refer to the OPM eligibility information for CSRS, which is generally 30 years of service and age 55. Additional provisions and options are available for both FERS and CSRS.

Employees may resign from federal service at any time. Employees who resign would be eligible for a payout of their annual leave and may be eligible to apply for a Deferred Retirement when they reach their minimum retirement age. Please see the attached table explaining the differences between resignations and retirements and the benefits that would apply.

General retirement information is available on the Benefits Portal. The Benefits Portal also includes information about accessing the GRB Platform, which provides calculators for computing estimated retirement benefits. We strongly encourage employees to use the retirement calculators in the GRB Platform to obtain initial annuity estimates and to request an official annuity computation. You may also contact your SPO (listed below) with questions.

     Note that employees have the option of asking reassignment to a “mission critical” position which are those in field offices, teleservice centers and processing centers. That certainly sounds like those already in a “mission critical” position have little to fear. Remember they are deliberately trying to induce panic. Make smart decisions.

     There’s also this from the Washington Post:

A federal judge on Thursday ordered the Office of Personnel Management to rescind directives that initiated the mass firing of probationary workers across the government, ruling that the terminations were probably illegal, as a group of labor unions argued in court.
U.S. District Judge William Alsup ordered OPM to rescind its previous directives to more than two dozen agencies, including the Department of Defense, the Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Science Foundation and others identified in a lawsuit. The ruling — a temporary restraint on the government that will be revisited in the coming weeks — is one of the biggest roadblocks so far to President Donal Trump’s effort to slash the federal workforce.

     And this lawsuit about OPM’s powers is far from the only theory being pursued to block the layoffs. DOGE has done a terrible job of minding the details and it is hurting them in court.


  1. Is the Appeals Council mission critical/mandated by statute?

    1. Not mandated by statute. Mission critical is arguable. They'd all probably be more valuable in hearing offices.

    2. Thanks for the clarification.

    3. the response above is obviously just someone's opinion with dare i say a biased slant. let me offer an alternative view that the AC does perform statutory mandated work that is also mission critical. this view is supported by where the AC has now been placed according to the new org. chart memo Charles reported earlier today.

      We need reminding that the vultures the blogosphere has been trying to send overhead to the AC can easily be circling their own components as well.

    4. You're mistaken- AC is not mandated by statute, that's a fact - which is why it has been on the chopping block at least twice before - the most recent being in 2006 when the plan was to replace It with a smaller appellate level discretionary review board (DRB). Unfortunately, the plan was connected to an expensive replacement of recon with a bunch of GS 13 and 14 lawyers, which turned out not to be cost effective and Astrue canned the whole plan.

    5. The Social Security Act itself does not mandate much of what the agency does today. Hearing offices with ALJs and decision writers are not mandated either. However, the AC as well as the hearing level are in the CFR. Both could be changed or both could remain mission critical like other functions. I think they should remain.

    6. @6:11AM--Someone needs to reread what the above commenter said. It stated the AC ‘performs statutory mandated work that is mission critical’. Both the AC and OHO perform important statutory mandated and mission critical functions.

      For its part OHO is responsible for holding hearings and issuing ALJ level decisions and dismissals. The AC adjudicates appeals of T2/T16 ALJ decisions and dismissals, can issue its own final agency T2/T16 dismissals and decisions, and can arguably hold hearings and appearances if it wanted. Further, the AC performs congressionally mandated quality review functions.

      The 2006 change you referenced was the agency attempting to revise its APA process. The agency could attempt a similar regulatory change with OHO if it wanted by how it interprets hearing officers, for purposes of holding hearings, under the APA. This attempted change would of course likely fail as well, just as the 2006 attempted AC change. But again, AC and OHO perform important mandated and mission critical functions, and are being left in place based on the new organizational restructuring memorandum.

    7. Once again the statute - aka the Social Security Act - does not require or even mention an administrative appeals council level of review. The AC was created not by Congress but by the agency under a previous Commissioner to implement the statute, but it is not "mandated by statute" as described in the RIF message. Subsequent Commissioners have questioned whether it performs "mission critical" functions and some have tried to eliminate it. The problem is that it has ballooned over the past decades, and it has been described as largely a hollow exercise in rubber-stamping ALJ decisions. It does some duplicative quality review, which is also done by other components. Bottom line, if not eliminated, it could be streamlined. It has become bloated with mostly upper GS level employees.

    8. Interesting conversation…. Agree with @1:41 that the Act doesn’t expressly mention much… not OHO, the AC, ODD, or even OQR expressly… just that the agency has to do PER which is in OQR. Realigning all together makes sense though and could lead to better coordination and efficiency since they all process statutory claims. Maybe Ortis, the Acting DC, will clarify for all of ODA? As for the AC, don’t forget the own motion review that no one else can do by changing the outcome of a favorable decision. Last go around before they got rid of Saul talks were to increase by 5x the number of reviews to better protect the Trust Fund. Also, remember those focused reviews, guessing new the COSS will like those like the Republicans in Congress have over the years

  2. Mission critical positions may have nothing to fear, except maybe the mass exodus that's about to happen from operations, along with the loss of support services that have been holding SSA systems together with chewing gum and bailing wire.

    The job may be safe, but the job is likely to become untenable.

  3. Though the announcement doesn’t mention hearing offices as mission critical, if you follow the “Reassignment Questionnaire” link, it opens a form asking the employee if he is “interested in being voluntarily reassigned to a mission critical position. Mission critical positions may include an assignment in a field office, teleservice center, processing center, or hearing offices.”

    1. I wonder if every job as the Payment center is considered mission critical as I am a disability processing specialist at DPB at PC.

  4. key question: would be likely be offered involuntary re-assignment if RIFED? I want to continue to work for SSA at any capacity- but I also like my current job and location. Do I risk it by waiting it out? **so long as they offer INVOL> reassignment I would be not be devastated -- if they don't offer reassignment, I will be homeless .

    1. I don't think anyone can answer this question currently based on the limited information available. You can try to reach out to HR, but I suspect they are in the dark... as well as in positions that are considered not essential for government shutdowns.

  5. Does "VOL. reassignment" have grade/pay retention or only INVOL. reassignment?

  6. I’m curious if mission critical
    In the field includes management and if not, would management be given the opportunity to downgrade with salary protection

    1. Someone has to manage employees. I bet a lot of older managers will head out the door with the offerings

  7. I have served the public my entire career. As a registered nurse and later in life attorney. This is shameful.

    1. Being offered opportunities to retire or take another position in the agency is not shameful.The greed and self importance of people in this agency.

    2. The greed, self-importance, and corruption of Trump, Musk, and their ilk is the most shameful of all.

    3. There is no greed and self importance involved in not wanting to be forced out of your job. Slashing jobs at an grossly understaffed agency with the precision of a machete all in the name of political theater is what is shameful here.

  8. I think I’m going to wait to see how this all plays out. Way too many unknowns and questions.

  9. Has anyone challenged Leland’s appointment yet? I know there a lawsuit that incorporates this challenge in Federal Ct in Maryland but it isn’t moving quickly and isn’t asking for any TRO etc. Why hasn’t anyone brought this individual challenge?

    1. I haven't heard about this. What's the basis for challenging his appointment?

      Ultimately, it probably doesn't matter. Frank is likely the one that formulated all of this.

    2. Yeah I don't think there's a basis for challenging ACOSS appointments.
      The reported "for cause" firings of hundreds of career employees in OT and OCREO, however...

    3. There’s absolutely a basis for challenging the ACOSS’ appointment. At the outset, did the president ever even appoint him? There’s no EO and nothing in the FR.
      Even if he was validly appointed, it would have had to be under the FVRA given he’s not an officer for purposes of the SSA. So as Acting, he could not perform tasks exclusively reserved for the Commissioner, such as appointing deputies (he just appointed a slew today, in addition to establishing new offices and combining and renaming others). BUT yeah, provided Bisignano is in support of the extreme actions the ACOSS is taking, it all certainly seems moot. I originally thought Bisignano may not be on board, but indications not seem to point toward concluding he is.

  10. DuDick strikes again.

    1. Charles thanks for letting this post. I’m not usually vulgar but these are unprecedented times.

  11. You guys don’t seriously think this is just ACOSS right? Bisignano almost certainly has had input here regardless of the fact he hasn’t been confirmed yet.

    1. Lee, is that you? 😉

    2. I don’t think this is Dudek at all. I think he’s a useful DOGE puppet who was happy to lend his name to the cause because he was promoted instead of being fired and prosecuted. The real architects need patsies like Dudek, just in case the resistance wins. He is to SSA what Amy Gleason is to DOGE.

    3. Frank is not coming to save us.

    4. Yeah, there's no way Frank isn't pulling the strings here. Probably snake laughing with Lee, Elon, and Russ the whole time.

    5. Frank is as clueless as Dudek. It's Musk and his toadies.

    6. Franko the vulture capitalist and the boy wonder Leland make a hell of a team.

  12. The convicted felon promised not to touch Social Security but now we know the game plan. This administration wants to privatize the agency by cutting the needed funding to run the agency into the ground. The stress level for federal employees is off the charts but I hope all employees take a step back and look at all their options in a level headed manner. You don’t want to make a decision that you will regret down the line.

  13. I'm not panicking, but I am walking. I'm going to take the 20K buy out offer. I was about ready to retire anyway. 20K isn't that much, but better than nothing.
    I feel somewhat guilty about leaving, as I have important front line duties which are not easy to learn. However, I'm not going to stay under these trying circumstances, and be swamped with work.

  14. VSIP isn't worth it. $25k is a joke. That's barely 2 months salary for most GS13+. Wait it out - this will all likely fail eventually when they start realizing the institutional knowledge that will be lost. And don't give the knowledge to anyone remotely supportive of doge. Play dumb - that's their pre-conceived idea of federal employees anyway.

  15. My concern with this is also with the bit about mission critical jobs. I have not seen any guidance regarding my position as to whether it is considered mission critical. I have been deemed 'essential' for shutdowns. Can I assume it is mission critical? This notice is not clear as to what one is signing up for by completing that re-assignment form. Are you implying you do not wish to work for the government and are resigning in a way by not completing it? Are you signing up to be downgraded (possibly significantly) to some random position by completing it when you don't really need to? It just seems very unclear at best and nefarious at worst.

  16. This plan will cause short term pain, and long term gain for SSA.

    Many older front line employees will take the 20 thousand buyout offer and retire. Many younger employees who are being overpaid at high GS level upper office jobs, will take the offer to switch to front line positions, out of fear of losing their jobs.

    There will certainly be short term difficulties, due to many experienced and knowledgeable front line essential workers walking out the door at once.

    But as their replacements are trained, things will slowly get better. And SSA have a younger, more efficient, and streamlined workforce.
    Without the huge costs of so many upper grade GS employees who do non-essential , non front-line work..

    1. Thanks for your hot take, Leland.

    2. What replacements? There is a hiring freeze. And even if there weren't, good luck recruiting new blood to the federal government after this debacle, and good luck getting these imaginary new people any institutional training from the old guard when the old guard will have already retired long before they get there. And if you cut out all those pesky upper level jobs, who do things like evaluate policy and create trainings for people, run a functioning HR, maintain systems, or make the same kind of high level decisions that all enterprises need in order to function, how exactly do you expect the front line employees to do anything? And how is this supporting SSA's mission and doing right by the American public? You want it to fail so you can privatize it.

    3. 10:52 gets it. Who would want to come work for the federal government in an administration that has shown they will act in bad faith to fire you from a job where you're earning less than equivalent positions in the private sector?

    4. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. It takes years to learn policy and apply it correctly. Without staff to train and monitor when and if we can ever hire will be a nightmare. Short term difficulties is an understatement. When the public is standing in front of you or on the phone screaming at you let me know how this plan is helpful.

  17. Lots of uncertainty, "mission critical MAY include ...." Bet you some jobs in FO, PSC etc will be deemed not mission critical. Not sure what SSA does that isn't driven by statute, but I'm sure some things are good things to do for operating reasons but not directly related to "statute". If organizations and jobs are abolished, fewer places to go if RIF occurs and you bump people. Not sure if for example, you did admin job in HQ you'd be able to bump a CRT in FO who is already mission critical. And never has SSA offered this to literally every position, so don't assume FO and PSC folks won't see which way the wind is blowing and take the money and run. What will be sad is the explanations on how this "strengthened" the agency and focused it away from unnecessary things. How many GSA leases for SSA are on DOGE site?

  18. As a decision writer in a hearing office, I believe that my job is mission critical, statutorily mandated, and directly serves the public, but I'm hoping to get some guidance on whether I should signal my willingness to accept voluntary reassignment.

    If the choice is between that and termination, I would definitely rather be reassigned. But I don't want to respond in the affirmative and have that be taken as me being accepting reassignment, regardless of whether my particular position will be terminated.

    1. I think we are all just rolling the dice here. I feel like agreeing to any of their terms ever risks making a deal with the devil. I feel like the risk of a bait and switch is so damn high. As a former DW, I 100% agree SSA needs DWs to function- how else are hearing level decisions going to go out?!? They could RIF you, but then again, a court could come in a week later and block it and you're back. What I'm worried about is capitulating and finding myself in a worse position. But again, no one can really give anyone any advice unless they are a bonafide psychic.

  19. Honestly this might be the last straw for me. I started in the field, worked in the RO and am now at HQ. I’ve got 15 years with SSA and care about it deeply. That’s why I’m still here. Started right after graduate school. But all of this is BS. I have years of experience on the frontline and in operations as well as in HQ in what is statutorily mandated work. But I don’t want this anymore. SS benefits allowed my dad to survive when he was a child and the way my grandmother praised SSA really helped me decide to start here. Protecting it for my parents who are now receiving and my disabled veteran friend makes remain personal. But I have a life and a family too and I can’t be my best for them when there is this much daily chaos. I’m really struggling here. 25k is nothing, I’m too young to retire, but the peace of mind of being done with this and this administration seems worth more then any of that to me. I’m sorry America.

  20. This is all going to be very detrimental to the agency, no matter how you slice it. It has been known for a while that SSA field staff generally skew at or very near retirement age (federal retirement age). Given the current climate, I would expect A LOT to take this offer of VERA. I can only speak for my old FO, but I would say probably 75% of my old office were just rowing the boat until they hit minimum retirement age to walk out immediately, with this, I would almost guarantee they are all going to take VERA and get their unreduced pension immediately. This is going to have devastating effects at the agency and A LOT of institutional knowledge is about to head out the door at SSA. The agency is headed for much more troubled waters than they've had over the past 15 years anyways.

  21. I am a CTE with over 24 years of experience and I will take the early out. I had planned on working longer but I cannot take this clown show any longer. The other CTE will also leave. Combines we have over 30 years experience. We are both generalists which means we process ALL claims for both titles from beginning to end including PE and the most complicated cases for the office. Our office will be decimated as other not eligible of early out will take the pay out and GTFO! I truly feel for claimants. Our office may close either way, we are a level 2. We service a large rural area with people with very limited means. Not sure what they will do but our reps are total trumpers and will not care or help their constituents. This is incredibly painful for so many reasons. I hope everyone that voted for this is proud of their votes.

  22. How about a new poll to see how many folks are taking the new deal?

  23. Look at them quietly going to meat grinder. Now isnt the time to play fair. Now is the time for action, real action. No sympathy for the weak. None. Put your head down and walk away.

  24. Not that anyone here really feels bad for the ALJs, but a bunch of them are almost certain to walk out too. Many vets or long-term federal employees, also many in their 50s and 60s. Numbers are already down to about 1100, down about 500 from a few years ago if I'm not mistaken.

    To the extent that there will even be disability benefits in the future, the wait is going to get a lot longer. People put a lot of work into cutting down the backlog and wait times. Between retirements, resignations, the glut of cases at DDS, and the impending recession, it's going to be an incredibly ugly scene.

    1. “To the extent that there will even be disability benefits in the future…”

      This. The Musk administration is going to have a plan to cut the number of people getting disability with new regs that set the bar much much higher.

      Making the citizenry poor is part of the playbook.

  25. Looks like the Deferred Resignation Program was the best offer. Thanks for the bad advice AFGE.

    1. You mean the one that wasn’t available to the majority of SSA and has terms that remain uncertain to this day?

    2. Yeah what‘s with all the AFGE bashing? Looks like AFGE and the other unions are the only ones doing anything of substance in the face of everything. They’re even trying to fight on fronts where they know they probably have no standing, because Congress is just sitting in its cowardly hands.

    3. How many AFGE BUEs were even eligible for the DR? Very few if any…

  26. I would reckon that 90%+ of SocSec employees "perform functions" that ~ARE~ "mandated by statute". (Social Security Act 1935, amended) Is there a statute that requires DOs, PCs and such? Not aware of one.

    1. Exactly. The USC is so vast and complex that it would be impossible to truly determine what roles are and aren’t mandatory.

    2. You don't need the whole USC. My point is the vast majorities job has something to do with the retirement, DI, SSI, Medicare/Medicaid programs, which are all from the same law.

  27. Two pieces of vital information are missing.
    1. How long until the inducement payments run out of funding? I don't want to wait too long to file for this, but I don't want to rush into anything either, and miss out on my 20K inducement.
    2. If I file now will I be put on administrative leave immediately? I have some things I need to do at work first before I leave, some cases to take care of, and some goodbyes to say.

    1. If $15k - $25k are all it takes to get you to give up your career, how about I give you three tik tacs and you can wash my car? Nobody here has those answers. Only you can decide if it's worth walking away.

    2. If you take the VSIP you won't get severance, which is likely more than the VSIP offer.
