
Oct 27, 2006

Obesity Was Impairment Used In Alleged Disability Fraud In Miami

Yahoo News reports that the alleged disability fraud ring in Miami was using phony claims of disability due to obesity to obtain Social Security benefits. This report lists the names of the 32 individuals indicted. Disability fraud cases are not that common. I doubt that there has ever previously been any alleged Social Security disability fraud on this scale.

Who does this hurt? Obviously, those who have been indicted are in serious trouble, but the damage can go much further. This may be spectacular enough that a Congressional committee will want to hold a hearing -- and if there is such a hearing, Social Security's Inspector General will undoubtedly claim (with no proof) that there is much more of this going on that could be uncovered if he just had more resources. Claimants in general and those suffering from morbid obesity, in particular, may be hurt by an unnecessarily heightened concern over fraud. A state disability determination agency employee is alleged to have been involved in fraud, so there may be new procedures that will slow things down even further at these agencies. Non-attorney representatives are alleged to have been involved in fraud. This cannot help their effort to make withholding of their fees for representing claimants permanent. This could cause Social Security to become suspicious of all medical evidence submitted by claimants or their attorneys or representatives.

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