
Nov 20, 2006

New Vision Listing

Today's Federal Register includes new final vision listings for Social Security. The entire Federal Register item runs to three column pages. As has become usual, there is a lengthy preamble to the listing. Here is the key text of the new listing:
2.01 Category of Impairments, Special Senses and Speech

2.02 Loss of visual acuity. Remaining vision in the better eye after best correction is 20/200 or less.

2.03 Contraction of the visual field in the better eye, with:

A. The widest diameter subtending an angle around the point of fixation no greater than 20 degrees;


B. A mean deviation of –22 or worse, determined by automated static threshold perimetry as described in 2.00A6a(v);


C. A visual field efficiency of 20 percent or less as determined by kinetic perimetry (see 2.00A7b).

2.04 Loss of visual efficiency. Visual efficiency of the better eye of 20 percent or less after best correction (see 2.00A7c).

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