
Jan 29, 2007

Developmental Delay Grant Available

From today's Federal Register -- and, yes, this was posted by the Social Security Administration:
The Social Security Administration requests applications for cooperative agreement funding to support projects that will design and implement effective, replicable, and sustainable models which will increase the number of children (birth to age 5) who receive developmental screening and improve the early identification of children with developmental delays and/or disabilities.
This grant may or may not be a good idea, but why is it coming from the Social Security Administration? Was this a Congressional earmark? I hate to beat a dead horse, but when Social Security cannot answer its telephones and it is routinely taking a year and a half and more for Social Security to schedule hearings for sick, desperately poor Social Security disability claimants, most of whom will be awarded benefits by Administrative Law Judges, does it make any sense for Social Security to spend money on something that is so far away from the agency's core function that it sounds like a project for the National Institutes of Health, if anyone?

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