
Jan 8, 2007

House Appropriations Committee Members

The House Appropriations Committee probably is more important to the Social Security Administration than the House Ways and Means Committee which has substantive jurisdiction over the agency. No subcommittee assignments have been announced yet. Courtesy of, here is a list of the members of the full committee, however.

Committee Chair
David R. Obey Rep.
David R. Obey (DEM-WI-7th)
Ranking Member
Jerry Lewis Rep.
Jerry Lewis (REP-CA-41st)

Democrats (37)
Rep. John Murtha (DEM-PA-12th)
Rep. Norman Dicks (DEM-WA-6th)
Rep. Alan Mollohan (DEM-WV-1st)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (DEM-OH-9th)
Rep. Peter Visclosky (DEM-IN-1st)
Rep. Nita Lowey (DEM-NY-18th)
Rep. Jose Serrano (DEM-NY-16th)
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (DEM-CT-3rd)
Rep. James Moran (DEM-VA-8th)
Rep. John Olver (DEM-MA-1st)
Rep. Ed Pastor (DEM-AZ-4th)
Rep. David Price (DEM-NC-4th)
Rep. Chet Edwards (DEM-TX-17th)
Rep. Robert Cramer (DEM-AL-5th)
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (DEM-RI-1st)
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (DEM-NY-22nd)
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (DEM-CA-34th)
Rep. Sam Farr (DEM-CA-17th)
Rep. Jesse Jackson (DEM-IL-2nd)
Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (DEM-MI-13th)
Rep. F. Allen Boyd (DEM-FL-2nd)
Rep. Chaka Fattah (DEM-PA-2nd)
Rep. Steven Rothman (DEM-NJ-9th)
Rep. Sanford Bishop (DEM-GA-2nd)
Rep. Marion Berry (DEM-AR-1st)
Rep. Barbara Lee (DEM-CA-9th)
Rep. Tom Udall (DEM-NM-3rd)
Rep. Adam Schiff (DEM-CA-29th)
Rep. Michael Honda (DEM-CA-15th)
Rep. Betty McCollum (DEM-MN-4th)
Rep. Steve Israel (DEM-NY-2nd)
Rep. Tim Ryan (DEM-OH-17th)
Rep. C.A. Ruppersberger (DEM-MD-2nd)
Rep. Ben Chandler (DEM-KY-6th)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DEM-FL-20th)
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (DEM-TX-23rd)

Republicans (29)
Rep. C.W. Bill Young (REP-FL-10th)
Rep. Ralph Regula (REP-OH-16th)
Rep. Harold Rogers (REP-KY-5th)
Rep. Frank Wolf (REP-VA-10th)
Rep. James Walsh (REP-NY-25th)
Rep. David Hobson (REP-OH-7th)
Rep. Joseph Knollenberg (REP-MI-9th)
Rep. Jack Kingston (REP-GA-1st)
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (REP-NJ-11th)
Rep. Roger Wicker (REP-MS-1st)
Rep. Todd Tiahrt (REP-KS-4th)
Rep. Zach Wamp (REP-TN-3rd)
Rep. Tom Latham (REP-IA-4th)
Rep. Robert Aderholt (REP-AL-4th)
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (REP-MO-8th)
Rep. Kay Granger (REP-TX-12th)
Rep. John Peterson (REP-PA-5th)
Rep. Virgil Goode (REP-VA-5th)
Rep. John Doolittle (REP-CA-4th)
Rep. Ray LaHood (REP-IL-18th)
Rep. Dave Weldon (REP-FL-15th)
Rep. Mike Simpson (REP-ID-2nd)
Rep. John Culberson (REP-TX-7th)
Rep. Mark Kirk (REP-IL-10th)
Rep. Ander Crenshaw (REP-FL-4th)
Rep. Dennis Rehberg (REP-MT-At-Large)
Rep. John Carter (REP-TX-31st)
Rep. Rodney Alexander (REP-LA-5th)

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