
Jan 5, 2007

House Ways and Means Committee Members

The names of the members of the House Ways and Means Committee for the current Congress have been released. This is the committee which has jurisdiction over Social Security. The list is below, but the membership of the Social Security Subcommittee has not yet been announced.

Committee Chair
Charles B. Rangel Rep.
Charles B. Rangel (DEM-NY-15th)
Ranking Member
Jim McCrery Rep.
Jim McCrery (REP-LA-4th)

Democrats (24)
Rep. Fortney Stark (DEM-CA-13th)
Rep. Sander Levin (DEM-MI-12th)
Rep. Jim McDermott (DEM-WA-7th)
Rep. John Lewis (DEM-GA-5th)
Rep. Richard Neal (DEM-MA-2nd)
Rep. Michael McNulty (DEM-NY-21st)
Rep. John Tanner (DEM-TN-8th)
Rep. Xavier Becerra (DEM-CA-31st)
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (DEM-TX-25th)
Rep. Earl Pomeroy (DEM-ND-At-Large)
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (DEM-OH-11th)
Rep. Mike Thompson (DEM-CA-1st)
Rep. John Larson (DEM-CT-1st)
Rep. Rahm Emanuel (DEM-IL-5th)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (DEM-OR-3rd)
Rep. Ron Kind (DEM-WI-3rd)
Rep. Bill Pascrell (DEM-NJ-8th)
Rep. Shelley Berkley (DEM-NV-1st)
Rep. Joseph Crowley (DEM-NY-7th)
Rep. Kendrick Meek (DEM-FL-17th)
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (DEM-MD-8th)
Rep. Allyson Schwartz (DEM-PA-13th)
Rep. Artur Davis (DEM-AL-7th)

Republicans (17)
Rep. Wally Herger (REP-CA-2nd)
Rep. Dave Camp (REP-MI-4th)
Rep. Jim Ramstad (REP-MN-3rd)
Rep. Sam Johnson (REP-TX-3rd)
Rep. Philip English (REP-PA-3rd)
Rep. Jerry Weller (REP-IL-11th)
Rep. Kenny Hulshof (REP-MO-9th)
Rep. Ron Lewis (REP-KY-2nd)
Rep. Kevin Brady (REP-TX-8th)
Rep. Thomas Reynolds (REP-NY-26th)
Rep. Paul Ryan (REP-WI-1st)
Rep. Eric Cantor (REP-VA-7th)
Rep. John Linder (REP-GA-7th)
Rep. Devin Nunes (REP-CA-21st)
Rep. Patrick Tiberi (REP-OH-12th)
Rep. Jon Porter

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