
Feb 22, 2007

The Baltimore Sun And Social Security

The Social Security Administration is the largest single employer in the greater Baltimore area, according to

The major newspaper in Baltimore is the Baltimore Sun. That newspaper's website allows one to search through its archives. Try entering "Astrue." You find nothing. Michael Astrue was recently nominated and confirmed as Commissioner of greater Baltimore's largest employer. He had a nomination hearing and was a witness at another Congressional hearing where his agency came in for biting criticism. Somehow, all of this escaped the attention of the Baltimore Sun. Can you imagine the Baltimore Sun ignoring a new president at Johns Hopkins University, which is probably the second largest employer in the Baltimore area? The Baltimore Sun is not the only local newspaper ignoring the Social Security Administration. Enter "Astrue" in the Washington Post search engine and you also get no hits.

One might think that someone at Social Security's Press Office would have telephoned someone at the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post to call this oversight to their attention.


  1. Nobody takes the Baltimore Sun seriously anymore. Most of the paper is just "cut and paste" from WSJ or AP. If it didn't appear on a ticker, it doesn't exist.

  2. How can I read the transcript of the Social Security Subcommittee meeting that was held on 2/14/07? I appreciate your summary, but would like to read the comments of the subcommittee members in context. Thanks in advance.

  3. The transcript is not yet available. It could be a number of weeks before it will be out. It has to be reviewed by all that testify to check its accuracy.

  4. Mr. Shaw, have you contacted The Baltimore Sun directly about this matter? A letter to the editor perhaps? They may not read your blog.

  5. Was a summary of the Subcommittee hearing posted? Where can I find it?

  6. These days, SSA is wasting a lot of money on energy in many departments. It’s primarily due to the fact that with many of the senior managers, the “lights are on, but nobodies home.” If only the public know more about the people that are suppose to be running this once proud Agency.
