
Feb 16, 2007

Cleveland Plain Dealer On Backlogs

The Cleveland Plain Dealer has an article on the backlog of claimants awaiting a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. At this end is this all too typical quote from a Social Security disability claimant:
In the beginning, I was angry. Now I just have a feeling of hopelessness. One day I was a working person with a car, packing my lunch and going to work. A couple of months later, I lost everything I had. Everything.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the Subcommittee hearing. This reporter's article falls shockingly short of capturing the major highlights.

    She completely missed the point of Tubbs Jones' frustration and Pomeroy's "outrage." Clearly, they believe that SSA has been less than truthful (to put it politely)with regard to the reason for its limited ALJ hiring over the last several years.

    My guess is that there is something behind this rage that has yet to be revealed to the world at large.
