
Feb 16, 2007

Commenting Enabled

I have enabled "commenting" on this blog on an experimental basis. I will evaluate it in a few days. I do not want to spend my time policing this site, but without comments I have little idea what other people think about what I am writing and that can be lonely. At least a reader of this blog can totally ignore the comments if they want.


  1. One topic that seems to never be brought up is the the complete inefficiency of the current Medicare Part D Perscription Drug benefit being run through private insurance to medicare then to SSA. A good portion of problem fix time is allocated to fixing these part D errors both at a local level and at the payment center level at SSA. Large portions of workloads related to SSA payments could then be freed up if this was resolved. Think of the staffing that could then be shifted to other programs such as SSI or SSA DIB claim processing. Just a comment since we can now comment!

  2. I love this blog! I read it every day. Keep up the good work.

  3. I read this blog almost daily myself. Thank you for taking the time to keep up this blog.
