
Feb 2, 2007

Josh Marshall On Social Security

Josh Marshall runs the highly influential Talking Points Memo blog. He was recently interviewed by Frontline. He had some interesting things to say. Here is an excerpt about Social Security:

And you say that in the Social Security area, the mainstream press really doesn't care about it because they make too much money?

I think the fairly comfortable economic position of a lot of the lead reporters makes them relatively indifferent to the future of social security. Yeah, I think that's true.

Their class position influences how they cover things.

Yeah. Not in ways that they're dishonest. I think all sorts of facts about individual reporters go into the assumptions that they bring to the news. Yeah, I think that that's one of them.

In the case of Social Security, another thing that played into that is the conventional wisdom in Washington, and the conventional wisdom in Washington on Social Security leaned right. ...

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