
Feb 24, 2007

Wall Street Journal Poll On Social Security

From a press release issued by the Wall Street Journal and Harris Interactive:
A new Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Personal Finance Poll found that despite the general uncertainty regarding the solvency of Social Security, a majority (65%) of respondents expect Social Security to be a primary source of income during retirement. However, as the age of respondents falls, the proportion of respondents who expect to rely on Social Security also declines. Forty one percent of those ages 18 to 34 say that Social Security will be a primary source as compared to 84 percent over the age of 55. Furthermore, only those ages 18 to 34 (59%) expect to rely on 401K plans more than Social Security, while those ages 35 to 44 expect to rely on Social Security and 401K plans equally (60% each).

1 comment:

  1. You can get free online access to the Wall Street Journal and those other subscription sites with a netpass from:

    I saw this on CNBC and thought it was a great tip!
