
Mar 26, 2007

SSA Responds To Media Attention?

The Charlotte Observer has reported on the severe backlogs affecting Social Security claimants who ask for an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing. They are now reporting in a new article that one of the claimants whose name appeared in the article has just been approved by an ALJ.

One thing not mentioned in the article, but which has been a topic of conversation among local Social Security attorneys, is that both the Charlotte and Greensboro, NC hearing offices have recently shipped out a large number of cases to be heard by ALJs from other offices. Those claimants will receive video hearings. Perhaps not coincidentally, a television station that serves an area covered by both the Charlotte and Greensboro hearing offices is preparing a story on Social Security backlogs. The only other hearing office in North Carolina, Raleigh, has nearly as big a backlog as Charlotte and Greensboro and the Raleigh backlog is growing much more rapidly than the backlogs in Charlotte and Greensboro, but no cases have yet been transferred out of the Raleigh hearing office.

1 comment:

  1. The canaries in the mine are keeling over fast.

    ODAR's days are numbered; the Gov't will privatize the disdability adjudication process within the next five years.
