
May 8, 2007

Hello Baltimore!

I had no idea this blog was such a hit in the Baltimore area. This blog has always had a hit counter. It is at the bottom of the page. It simply counts the number of visits to this blog. I did not bother with trying to get more information until this past weekend when I signed up with Google Analytics, which will eventually give me an incredible amount of information on visits to this blog. However, it is already telling me something that surprises me. About one-third of the visitors to this blog are located in the Baltimore area. For those who might not be that familiar with the Social Security Administration, Baltimore is where the agency has its headquarters.


  1. You have a fan out here in Los Angeles, Ca. too. Great blog!

  2. Do not forget Florida, it is out here too.

  3. Posting that senitive EM probably got this site a lot of interest from SSA Headquarters. LOL

    BTW SSA Headquarters is outside of Baltimore in Woodlawn, MD.

  4. I've seen SSA execs pass a link to your blog around as a measure of the "public perception" of SSA. Many times you know things before us grunts at SSA HQ do anyway.

  5. That's exactly why I read it. When there was talk of a possible furlough, I came here for news since management was telling exactly squat.

  6. So far, your website has been more accurate and timely info than anything coming out of HQ.

  7. It's very interesting reading for us here in Woodlawn. It gives me a wider picture of SSA than I get in my day to day job.
