
May 23, 2007

Listings As "Low-Hanging Fruit"

In his testimony before the Senate Finance Committee today Commissioner Astue talked of Social Security's Listings of Impairments as representing "low-hanging fruit", apparently meaning that too few people may be getting approved under the Listings, because the Listings are not extensive enough. He said that the Department of Health and Human Services has volunteered help from physicians on their staff to update the Listings.


  1. I wouldn't say not extensive enough, but rather outdated. Also, keep in mind that to be approved through DDS a person has to pretty much meet a listing. Some of them are so difficult to meet that even a very ill person can't meet them.

  2. How do you know he didn't mean "Low hanging fruit" in its usual sense, meaning something easily reached and removed/altered/etc. He may mean extending them, toughening them or easing them but he means to do something to them soon because it will be easy to do.
