
Jun 20, 2007

Amazing Claim

From the Senior Journal:
The immigration bill being debated by the Senate would allow over two million illegal workers who received Social Security numbers prior to 2004 to receive more than $966 billion in Social Security benefits by 2040, according to the TREA Senior Citizens League.
How did they come up with that figure, which is almost half a million dollars per illegal immigrant? And how much will those illegal immigrants pay into the Social Security trust funds? There are probably many good reasons to support or oppose this immigration bill, but its effects on the Social Security trust funds is not one of them.


  1. All of these people are eligible under current law and the immigration bill does not change that.

  2. You can't receive Social Security benefits unless you are legally in the United States and have been issued a work authorized SSN.

    Now what that bill will change is allow people that have worked illegally to get credit for that work once they have legal status and have been assigned a work authorized SSN.
    RS 00301.102 Additional Requirements for Alien Workers- Social Security
    Protection Act of 2004
    4. SSN Assigned On or After 1/1/2004: Alien NH Has "Work SSN," Prior Status as Undocumented Alien
