
Jun 9, 2007

More On Senator Shumer And Social Security's Budget

I had posted earlier on Senator Shumer's recent press conference on Social Security's funding. Here are interesting excerpts from a recent story in the Press Republican (emphasis added):
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed to fix a Social Security disability system that he claims is "in shambles." ...

Schumer, who held a telephone news conference with upstate reporters on the issue, is calling for full funding of $10.44 billion for the disability system. He also wants to investigate the possibility of making Social Security Administration funding "off budget," so it will not be endangered by budget cuts each year. ...

Schumer said the underfunding could lead to up to 4,000 positions being cut from the agency, which would further burden the system and create longer delays for those waiting to receive benefits.

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