
Jun 1, 2007

NADE Newsletter -- eDIB and Budget

The National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE), an association of employees of state disability determination agencies, has issued its Spring 2007 newsletter.

The newsletter contains some interesting information about Social Security's paperless eDIB system. eDIB now contains 105 million documents taking up 22 terabytes of storage -- and it is just getting started. Because of the huge amounts of data, the agency is in the process of building a second data center in North Carolina.

The newsletter contained this little budget tidbit:
NCDDD [National Council of Disability Determination Directors, a separate group from NADE] also met this week with the house subcommittee and senate finance committee. There is a bi-partison (sic) committee working on an agreement to consider taking CDR [Continuing Disability Reviews] and redeterminations off line from the appropriations that are capped. This proposal also gives SSA [Social Security Administration] additional funding for CDR & redetermination workloads. The committee planned to contact SSA to be sure that this is favorable to SSA and the commissioner.

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