
Jul 24, 2007

Another Field Office Closure

From the Wayne (PA) Independent:
Starting Monday, July 30, residents living in the Carbondale service area, which covers sections of Wayne, Lackawanna, Pike and Susquehanna counties, will be served by the Scranton Social Security office. The seven employees of the Carbondale office will be transferred to the Scranton office.

Terri Lewis, communications director, stated during a telephone interview Thursday that after a review of services offered by the Carbondale office, the Social Security administration believe citizens and employees would be better served in a larger office with more resources.


  1. If an SSA office can be run by 7 people, there is either not enough work or they are very efficient. I would tend to think they aren't doing much, so close it.

    They could still make it a contact station that's open a few times during the month to help out people in that area.

  2. The above comment is totally out of touch with reality. What SSA is doing is allowing staffing to drop by not replacing anyone who leaves, then justifying the closing by saying it is too small to keep open. The number of employees in an office is not based on the amount of work there is available to do, it is based on political/budgetary considerations.
    My office has dropped from 32 to 14, and there are piles of work sitting which cannot be done because the remaining staff is totally overwhelmed.
