
Jul 8, 2007

HALLEX Updated

I posted recently that Social Security's Hearings Appeals and Litigation (HALLEX) Manual had not been updated in the last year. I do not think it happened because of what I posted, but they have just updated HALLEX. The update is not what I would call important. Here is Social Security's summary:

I-5-1-17I and I-5-17II have been updated to remove language, no longer needed since the bench decision is not a process.

I-5-1-17III contains new instructions on completing a bench decision using the Findings Integrated Template (FIT) format, which will become available in the June 2007 FIT release. The text changes are minor and mirror the process for creating a FIT decision.

I-5-1-17V adds the requirement to store digital recordings for all bench decisions rendered for EDCS claims.

I-5-1-17 Attachment 2 includes the new checksheet, which mirrors much of the content in the previous one but makes it available in the FIT format.

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