
Jul 6, 2007

Now That's A Training Schedule!

Each month I publish a list of continuing legal education courses and other meetings concerning Social Security. Other than a meeting of the International Social Security Association, I have not listed anything outside the U.S. However, you ought to look at the list of training courses offered by the London Advice Service Alliance (LASA), much of it having to do with the British Social Security system. That is an active training schedule! Of course, LASA has it much easier than any U.S. provider of Social Security education. Probably, most Britons live close enough to make it possible for them to come to London on Britain's efficient rail system for just the day. Also, I expect LASA is mostly government funded as are many who attend these courses.

By the way, LASA offers a database and information management system for less than £300, which would be about $600 in the U.S. Probably, it is not flexible enough to accommodate the needs of attorneys and others who represent Social Security claimants in the U.S. , but maybe someone ought to look into trying to modify it for use in the U.S.

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