
Aug 2, 2007

Gray Leaves After Two Weeks

An anonymous person has sent me this e-mail which appears to be genuine and which, apparently, was just sent out:
DATE: August 2, 2007
TO: Senior Staff
FROM: Michael J. Astrue /s/

SUBJECT: Executive Personnel Assignment - INFORMATION

I regret to announce that Dr. David Gray has resigned as Deputy Commissioner for Disability and Income Security Programs due to personal issues and he has returned to Washington University.
I have continued to be impressed by his intelligence and thoughtfulness and believe that this hard decision is best for David and his family. I wish him well and I am sorry that we will not benefit from his talents and knowledge.
During this time of transition, I have asked David Rust to serve as Acting Deputy Commissioner for Disability and Income Security Programs. Executive Secretariat matters should be referred to Gary Thorne until further notice.
I would also like to thank Manny Vaz once again for his strong leadership during his tenure as Acting Deputy Commissioner for Disability and Income Security Programs in recent months.
Astrue had just announced the hiring of David Gray on July 18!


  1. he was on duty for only 3 days. While announced on July 18, he showed up on july 27--reported on 7/30 and left on 8/1.

  2. Maybe he found out that he had to answer the phone, do the mail, make coffee, clean the break room, file paperwork, screen email, etc etc a regular SSA empployee.

  3. Dr. Gray may prove to be the smartest Deputy Commissioner for Disability and Income Security Programs that SSA ever had.
