
Aug 15, 2007

Social Security Appropriations For FY 2008

Fiscal year (FY) 2008 begins on October 1, 2007. The Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill includes funding for the Social Security Administration. Here is some information from the Disability Policy Collaboration Capitol Insider on the status of the FY 2008 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill:
Human services advocates were briefed by Senate Appropriations staff on the FY 2008 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (L-HHS-ED) Appropriations bill. It appears likely that Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) will not schedule the L-HHS-ED bill for floor action in September. The September calendar is too crammed with “must do” legislation. Thus, the House-passed L-HHS-ED bill will be conferenced with the bill adopted by the Senate Appropriations Committee. This bill will ultimately be included in an omnibus bill where several FY 2008 appropriations bills will be merged together. However, if this tactic plays out, a Presidential veto looms, practically assuring the start of Fiscal Year 2008 without an enacted bill on L-HHS-ED appropriations. Funding will most likely continue under one or more short term Continuing Resolutions until the White House and the Congress agree on spending levels.


  1. Funding for SSA is not a "must do"??!!--this is beyond belief. The politicians have abandoned SSA--the train wreck is over the cliff, out of sight, except for the poor saps who might actually have been hoping to receive their earned and due benefits.

  2. Nah, this is nothing new, don't fret. Heck, there was a year, many moons ago, when the continuing resolution lasted all year. Money will continue to be available, just not enough to address any of SSA's serious staffing issues.
