
Sep 9, 2007

Improvement On Aged Cases

Here is a nugget from press release Social Security issued about the new Quick Disability Determination (QDD) regulations:
Commissioner Astrue said. “I also am proud of our improvements with pending disability cases that have reached 1,000 days waiting for an appeal hearing. We have aggressively worked on these cases and now have fewer than 600 pending, down from more than 63,000 cases in October of last year.”


  1. I'm not sure I understand how to interpret the information on cases pending hearing. At first blush, it seems like an astounding (almost unbelievable)achievement. Can somebody translate?

  2. Hmmm.... does this astounding drop have any connection to the sharp increase in "technical denials" that was posted about previously?

  3. shouldn't have anything to do with technical denials, those apply almost always to initial claims, not appeals

  4. My understanding is that they shipped these back to the DDS for using the remand process. The PR is a little misleading since I doubt DDS has re-evaluated every one. I doubt those 60000 plus citizens actually got a decision.
