
Sep 16, 2007

Personnel Changes

FROM: Michael J. Astrue /s/

TO: Senior Staff

SUBJECT: Executive Personnel Assignments - INFORMATION

I am pleased to announce that Bob Wilson, who for more than five years has been the Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs, has been selected for a position on the Appeals Council in the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. I would like to thank Bob for his service and wish him continued success in ODAR.

Margaret Hostetler, currently Deputy Commissioner for Policy, will become Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs. Margaret's many years working on key committees in both the House of Representatives and the Senate should serve her well in this position.

Linda Maxfield will serve as Acting Deputy Commissioner for Policy.

In the Atlanta Region, Amy Roberts has been appointed to the Senior Executive Service as the Assistant Regional Commissioner for Management and Operations Support. Amy has an extensive career in Operations starting as a Claims Representative and advancing through increasingly responsible positions in the Atlanta Regional Office. Amy is a graduate of the SES Candidate Development Program Class III.

In the Office of Communications, Annie White, Associate Commissioner for Public Inquiries, retired August 31. Sheryll Ziporkin is now serving as the Acting Associate Commissioner for Public Inquiries.

Please join me in wishing everyone the best in their new roles within the Agency.


  1. Good grief. Mr. Wilson doesn't know a durn thing about adjudicating disability cases, but here he is, appointed to the Appeals Council. He won't be the first person in this predicament, nor probably the last. But it's disappointing to see Astrue dump his leftovers onto the AC.

  2. Perhaps that is why it takes so long to get a decision from the AC--they cannot make one?
