
Sep 22, 2007

Senator Bryon Dorgan On Backlogs

A news release from Senator Byron Dorgan, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee:


2,800 North Dakotans now caught up in "broken system"

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) --- U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) wants to know why 2,800 North Dakotans and hundreds of thousands of other Americans who have submitted disability claims under the Social Security Administration are being systematically denied, only to have them approved on appeal - after waiting nearly a year and a half.

"This system is broken," Dorgan said Thursday. "How else can one explain that the appeal process results in nearly two thirds of the claims that were previously denied finally being approved? Moreover, the huge backlog of claims means that many with disabilities are forced to live in poverty while waiting for a fair resolution of their disability claim."

Dorgan has asked the Inspector General's office to investigate what has caused these problems and to determine how it affects people.

"This is unfair to a lot of working Americans who have paid premiums in the form of their social security payroll tax for a program that includes disability payments if they become disabled," Dorgan said. "However, it seems that someone has decided they are going to systematically deny those claims and force those people to wait lengthy periods of time before an appeal will be heard. We now learn that nearly two thirds of the claims that have been denied were subsequently approved on appeal. This suggests to me that a whole lot of folks who are suffering with disabilities are being mistreated by this system and I want it fixed."

"Nationwide, there are more than three quarters of a million waiting in long backlogs to have their appeals decided. I don't know whether it is sheer incompetence or a deliberate decision to delay and deny benefits that people desperately need that have previously paid through the social security system, but I intend to find out."

In a letter to the President, Dorgan is also asking for action to correct the situation.

"The bottom line is that elderly Americans and other poor individuals with disabilities that prevent them earning a living and paying their bills deserve better," Dorgan wrote. "Social Security disability benefits keep millions of disabled Americans out of poverty. But these people who are unable to work and need immediate assistance to avoid financial collapse do not appear to be a priority for your Administration."


  1. Is he kidding? Duh, Byron, NO STAFF!! How about Hilary takes one lousy billion out of her 110 billion dollar per year health care proposal to fund SSA staffing?
    Ya think?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. as an examiner, i wonder too....we don't just deny claims randomly or on is not like oh here's someone alleging backpain, i don't like his profile, therefore am going to deny him. it is not like that. speaking for myself, i work really hard to make sure decisions going out my desk are reasonable. Senator, how about looking into getting the POM updated...the protocols for allowing and denying updated....making sure that ALJ and DDS are on the same page in everything...hiring more ALJs...improve the stale management in both offices....just to name a few areas that need improvement.

  4. It would be difficult for ALJs to justify their employment if they didn't overturn the DDS decisions, wouldn't it?

  5. Why? Humm, perhaps it's akin the old saying "the squeaky wheel, gets the grease". Look, everyone knows that appeals are a pain in the you know what. SSA counts on people not appealing and when they do, for some strange reason, they must be heard by an ALJ. WHY? That's the question the Senator and his cronies in Congress need to ask. Come on fellas, you are part and parcel of the problem. The ALJ staffing should not longer be used to fill you bill for repayment of political favors. Congress is demanding the hiring of more ALJS. More ALJ's is the last thing needed. More people who know the law and how to apply it is what is in order but Astrue screwed that one up with his putting the nix on the Senior Attorney program. And the backlong continues to grow . . .

  6. I have been denied for the second time. I have wondered why. I was told than they have physcians that look at the claims and deny it. I have been taking a class in Health Care Law and Ethics and have found out that the public is be told that its physcians looking at the claim but it is actually a lay person that has no medical knowledge. Also I have learn that the criteria that the systems uses to determine if you are disabilited is antiquated. One level actually determines wheither you are able to use a typewriter. Also the government is acting as if its their money that they are protecting, I've paid into the system as well as everyone else. If my doctors have determine I'm unable to work who is social security to override their decision.
