
Oct 17, 2007

2.3% COLA

The Associated Press is reporting that the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security benefits will be 2.3% for this year.


  1. Who was the genius who decided it was okay to pull the cost of food and the cost of energy from inflation figures.

    I guess we who are on SSDI should shut up, be grateful for all the days we actually can turn on the heat in winter, or eat a meal that actually has some nutritional value -

    grateful until we die and then SSA can happily trash our file (to match our life) and move along in blissful thoughts of the next American who will die before they make it to SSDI and to those who won't have enough to survive if they make it.

    I feel like I'm being driven insane.

  2. The SSA COLA adjustment does not "pull" anything out of the calculation; all parts of the economy are included. What you are referring to is the "core inflation" estimate, something economists find useful, looking at the inflation rate without the factors which fluctuate wildly. But for better or worse (and it can be either), food and energy are included in the SSA COLA calculation.
