
Oct 25, 2007

Michael Astrue's Paygrade

From Wikipedia:

Level I of the Executive Schedule

Level I of the Executive Schedule is the pay grade for cabinet officials. In addition to the fifteen cabinet secretaries, seven positions are listed in the Level I, of which only four (Administrator of the EPA, Director of the OMB, Director of the National Drug Control Policy, and the U.S. Trade Representative) are in the cabinet. The remaining three are:

Office Incumbent
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Ben Bernanke
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration Michael Astrue
Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell
And the rate of pay for Level 1 of the Executive Schedule is $175,000 per year, according to the Office of Personnel Management.


  1. A bit of history here. This came out of the 1983 study on making SSA an independent agency, which formed the basis for the 1995 legislation. The commission members in 1983 thought that the COSS ought to be a cabinet member, but they couldn't really force that to happen. They could, and did, recommend equal (cabinet level) pay, and Sen. Moynihan adopted that (and virtually all other recommendations) in his legislation.

  2. Way more than I make as a GS-9, but not much when compared to heads of major corporations, but on the other hand the job should be public service, not a money grab.
