
Oct 18, 2007

More From NOSSCR Conference

Here are a few more items from the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) conference in St. Louis.
  • More than 1,000 were in attendance.
  • NOSSCR bestowed it Eileen Sweeney Distinguised Service Award to Barbara Samuels and Donald Becker.
  • Michael Astrue has a daughter in college in St. Louis.
  • Nancy Shor, NOSSCR's long time executive director said that it was her understanding that the current plan is that only 125 new Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) are to be hired in fiscal year 2009, which begins on October 1, 2008. [This may not be enough to keep up with ordinary attrition and is certainly not enough to do anything about the hearing backlog.]


  1. 150 ALJs in FY 2008
    + 125 ALJs in FY 2009

    = 275 new ALJs over next 2 years.

    Doesn't that beat the attrition rate?

  2. Marginally, yes. The annual attrition rate runs up near 10 percent, which, with 1100 ALJs means over 100 a year retire, die, move on in some way. All these marvelous new hires (who won't be productive for some time) will do little to reduce the backlog.

  3. How much does ALJ judges get pay?
