
Oct 10, 2007

No-Match Letters Blocked

From Reuters:
A U.S. federal court judge on Wednesday granted a preliminary injunction barring the Bush administration from going ahead with a controversial program to remove illegal immigrants from the U.S. work force. ...

Under the proposed program, employers notified of a "no-match" would have 90 days to confirm that an employee was in the country legally or fire him if not. ...

[Federal District Court Judge] Breyer said in his decision Wednesday that the no-match letters will result in the firing of lawfully employed workers because letters based on Social Security Administration records include numerous errors.
This is important to the Social Security Administration. If those no-match letters ever go out, Social Security offices will be deluged by millions of individuals whose records contain mistakes or are out of date. Social Security's desperate staffing shortages could make this a catastrophic situation. Granting a preliminary injunction probably delays implementation for many months, perhaps even past the end of the Bush Administration.


  1. first of all, the point of the letters has always been to correct any errors that exist-- so ssa cannot send the letters because the records contain errors, thus ensuring that the errors never get corrected?

    second, such a catastrophic scenario might be the only way to wake up the congress and the public to the need to correct the staffing shortages--but apparently that will never be corrected, either.

  2. Illegal aliens should be deported, not supported.

  3. Turn out the lights, raise the Mexican flag, the party's over.

    Why is it that some bonehead judge can stop an enforcement action, because a few legal workers might get wrongly fired, but would never stop a program because some people not entitled might be getting benefits.

    The perfect is the enemy of the good.

  4. I'm always surprised to find that these dunderheads read...anything, much less your website, Charles.

  5. Apparently I am unfamiliar with this particular usage of dunderhead--is that a variation meaning a person has an informed opinion based on verifiable facts?
