
Oct 9, 2007

Results Of Last Week's Unscientific Poll

Who do you think will win the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination?
Sam Brownback (3) 4%
Rudolph Giuliani (34) 45%
Mike Huckabee (5) 7%
Duncan Hunter (2) 3%
Alan Keyes (3) 4%
John McCain (2) 3%
Ron Paul (5) 7%
Mitt Romney (11) 15%
Tom Tancredo (2) 3%
Fred Thompson (8) 11%

Total Votes: 75


  1. If there is a God it would be Ron Paul. Only one one in both parties that doesn't speak out of both sides of his mouth and tell people what they want to hear.

  2. NO! No! No!
    4 more years
    Cheney for Prez

  3. Wow, look at poor McCain's numbers here. Looks like this crowd has totally written him off. Or is this humor?
