
Nov 27, 2007

GAO Report On "Reforming" Social Security Disability

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a report entitled "Social Security Reform: Issues for Disability and Dependent Benefits." To understand the report one must first understand that almost always when people in our nation's capitol use the word "reform" in connection with Social Security, they are talking about cutting benefits. Basically, this report is about ways of "reforming" Social Security disability and dependent benefits by cutting benefits and how the damage that would cause could be mitigated by employing less "reform", that is, by cutting disability and dependent benefits a bit less.

My guess is that this study was ordered by Republicans when they controlled Congress.


  1. The current system of adjudicating DIB benefits, i.e., giving out benefits like candy, is unsustainable...too much fraud and exaggeration on the part of claimants, doctors and attorneys.

  2. The above comment is just ridiculous and has no connection to reality--if benefits were being given out like candy there would be no backlog, and there has never been any evidence of significant occurrences of fraud by any parties in the processing of disability claims.
