
Nov 16, 2007

No More Recess Appointments For Bush

America Blog reports that the Democratic Majority Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, has decided to keep the Senate in session over the Thanksgiving holiday to prevent the President from making any recess appointments. I had suggested this idea about a year ago. If Reid had started doing this earlier, Andrew Biggs would not be Deputy Commissioner of Social Security.


  1. Cheap political trick and you probably will not hear a word about it in the major media. Now if the Republican controlled Congress had tried this with Democrat president you would never hear the end of it.

    What is so bad about this guy Biggs working at SSA? Things seem to be running the same as before he came. Like the disability backlog would be gone if someone else had the job.

  2. Others would suggest that the cheap political trick is to avoid having the Senate "advise and consent," as the constitution requires, by using recess appointments. Tis all in the eye of the beholder, obviously.
