
Dec 21, 2007

Las Vegas Sun Editorial

From the Las Vegas Sun:

The federal government's backlog of Social Security disability appeals is getting worse, and there is little relief in sight. ...

This just doesn't make sense. It's not as if the Bush administration couldn't see this coming. The Baby Boom generation, which encompasses people born from 1946 through 1964, makes up 25 percent of the U.S. population. Members started turning 55 in 2001, so it only stands to reason that as more of them age, the number of disability claims will increase.

This is just not a fiscally responsible way to run a large government agency that has a $9.6 billion budget and receives 2.5 million disability applications a year. More important, these yearslong waits are no way to treat people who, because of age or physical disability or both, no longer can take care of themselves and look to their government for the help it is supposed to provide.

1 comment:

  1. ... but then again, if one builds in failure by starvation of resources; one can point the finger and say: Gov't is a failure, let's contract out and privatize....
