
Jan 16, 2008

Background Checks For ALJ Applicants

I have heard some ridiculous rumors about the process for selecting Administrative Law Judges (ALJs). Not being an applicant myself, I have little knowledge of the process. However, an attorney who used to work at my firm has applied to become an ALJ. I have received a telephone call from a company hired to do background checks for ALJ candidates. Whatever else may be going on in the selection process, I can say that this background check was quite straightforward. There was only one question that was the least bit unusual. I was one asked whether I thought the applicant could handle a big workload. There was nothing about the background check process that anyone should find worrisome.


  1. Obviously that was sarcasm. SO the real question is did you lie, did you exaggerate or did you tell the outright truth. And did you ever really have a basis for comparison, or did you just think the guy was a nice bloke.
    I wonder how many hods and hoddesses and other administrators lied just in the hopes of getting low producers out of their hair.

  2. background check are pretty important in this day and age... don't knock em
