
Jan 31, 2008

Budget Outlook For FY 2009

It may not make that much difference what President Bush wants in the budget for fiscal year (FY) 2009, which begins on October 1, 2008, since Democrats in Congress can just pass continuing funding resolutions until Bush leaves office and they can deal with a different president, perhaps of their party. However, Bush is not going to make it easy. From Reuters:
President George W. Bush will propose freezing most domestic spending in his upcoming 2009 budget and will seek big cost savings from government health care programs, a U.S. official said on Thursday.
Bush's final budget is due out next week.

1 comment:

  1. Now he's going to worry about spending after the war, Medicare Part D and NCLB and probably knows he isn't going to be around to enforce it. So easy to act tough now and drop it on the next president. Broom Hilda, Yomama or NutCain sure aren't going to cut spending.

    We are in the last days of the empire.
