
Jan 27, 2008

IRS To Do Rebates

There was an article three days ago suggesting that the Social Security Administration would process the rebate checks that are to be the centerpiece of the economic stimulus plan expected in the next few weeks, but the Associated Press is reporting today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be doing the processing.

It is only a guess, but my guess is that the IRS was trying to pawn this job off on Social Security and Social Security said "No."

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone think SSA would be involved in issuing tax rebates?

    The only way I would see SSA getting involved is if this thing gets bloated as everything the government normally does and Congress decides to give people getting Social Security benefits get a check.

    They want to give people that didn't even pay any income taxes a check because they say they pay FICA taxes. I have seen on other sites people on Social Security griping because they pay sales, gas, property taxes, so I guess it's not too much of a stretch to think Congress will buy more votes and give them a check too.

    Whole thing is a waste, since there is no spending cut to offset this give-away, so we borrow money from the rest of the world. Plus by the time the money is dished out in the May/June/July will the economy even need it.
