
Jan 11, 2008

Rescission Of Acquiescence Ruling

From today's Federal Register:
On July 11, 1994, we issued SSR 94–4p which implemented the decisions in Buffington, et al. v. Schweiker and Califano v. Yamasaki, and provided that prior to the denial of waiver of recovery of an overpayment ...

In order to fulfill our stewardship responsibilities to the Social Security trust fund, we must employ methods that will simplify our personal conference procedures and use our resources most efficiently. We should be using all available technology when we conduct personal conferences. Therefore, elsewhere in this Federal Register, we published the final rule ‘‘Methods for Conducting Personal Conferences When Waiver of Recovery of a Title II or Title XVI Overpayment Cannot Be Approved’’ which revised the regulations to allow for personal conferences to be conducted face-to-face at a place we designate (usually in the
field office), by telephone, or by video teleconference.

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