
Jan 24, 2008

SSA Role In Economic Stimulus?

From the McClatchy newspaper chain (emphasis added):
As Congress and the White House craft an economic stimulus package, there’s growing concern that it can’t be enacted and implemented quickly enough to forestall a recession. ...

The Internal Revenue Service has already begun processing 2007 tax returns, and it’s reprogramming its computers to comply with changes in tax law that Congress passed late last year, which means that the IRS probably couldn’t begin mailing any rebate checks before late spring. Short-term payroll tax holidays would be even harder for the IRS to process quickly. It would take the Social Security Administration, which has an outdated computer system, at least six weeks to begin distributing additional money to retirees. ...

The Social Security Administration sends out nearly 50 million checks per month, but its computer systems have needed updating for many years.

Nevertheless, Social Security Administration Commissioner Michael J. Astrue said supplement checks could be processed and distributed in about six weeks.

And what would processing economic stimulus checks do to ordinary workloads at Social Security?


  1. Now we know that if you're sick enough to be poor enough not to pay taxes, and most of us who are sick enough can't earn anything, we will be left out of the stimulus package. I guess the lawmakers and our dear Pres know that all we'd do with the money is pay rent or buy food. Though maybe, some of us would turn on the heat - can't have that now, can we.

  2. Think of the economic stimulus that could be achieved from processing 750,000 backlogged hearing cases at a presumed 2/3 allowance rate with 2-3 years or more of back payments due?

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    Maybe you might invest in some English courses with the all money you are making with real estate.
