
Feb 24, 2008

It's Bad In Kansas And Getting Worse

From the Lawrence, Kansas Journal-World & News:

Thursday’s sleet and snow didn’t stop Glenda Endriss from having her day in court.

She had waited too long — more than two years — to stay at home.

Endriss is among the thousands of Kansans whose Social Security disability case has taken years — not months — to decide. Unable to work and without an income, the wait for the Social Security Administration to rule on a disability case can leave applicants struggling. ...

In August, Kansas was named the worst state in the country for its backlog of disability cases. Since then, the time it takes to get a hearing by a Social Security administrative law judge has increased.

As of January, the average wait for a hearing in Kansas City was 686 days — about two months shy of two years. It is a month and half longer than what the wait was in August.

For Wichita, it takes 529 days — almost a year and half — and more than a month longer than what the wait was in August.

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