
Feb 3, 2008

Law Offices Of James Sokolove

Allsup is not the only entity seeking to represent Social Security disability claimants on a national basis -- and issuing press releases in an effort to get free advertising. Here are some excerpts from a press release from the Law Offices of James Sokolove:
The LOJS, dedicated to providing equal access to the civil justice system, cites the importance of the startling results of a two-month investigation into Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims presented in a recent CBS News video report. ...

“We need to be aware now that an aging boomer population will present an increasing number of claims just as the judges who review denials at the Social Security Administration (SSA) likewise age and potentially shrink in numbers,” says Attorney Jim Sokolove, founder of The Law Offices of James Sokolove. “It’s the perfect storm. As to why new judges aren’t being appointed to handle the increase … that’s the million-dollar question.” ...

About The Law Offices of James Sokolove

For almost 30 years, The Law Offices of James Sokolove ( has focused on reinventing how people obtain legal services. Equality of access, irrespective of ethnicity or income, and superior quality of representation and service within our civil justice system is our mission. Within an ever-changing legal profession, the LOJS business model is a proven success strategically matching specific client needs with particular law firm expertise and service quality. LOJS is the nation’s largest and fastest growing marketer of legal services.

1 comment:

  1. Atty. James Sokolove is a legal broker --only. He probably wouldn't know how to find Boston ODAR (around the corner from his main office.) I'm sure he is contracting out all of his referrals for 1/3 or more of any potential fee.

    A Mass. Lawyer
