
Mar 3, 2008

Mayors Want Investigation

From the Valley Independent of Pennsylvania:
A group of Mon Valley mayors has demanded an investigation into the decision to move the Social Security office from Charleroi to Rostraver Township.

In a letter to U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-Johnstown, 11 mayors agree that relocation to WillowPointe Plaza, off Route 51, will create a "huge hardship" on senior citizens. ...

"As the political leaders of our communities, we are very concerned about GSA's decision to relocate the Mon Valley Social Security office to WillowPointe. This location is not accessible to our constituents," the letter stated.


  1. What's the point of having a Commissioner if every time a decision is made some political hack wants to second guess it.

    It's surprising anyone would even want to be Commissioner.

  2. Contray to popular wisdom, the overwhelming majority of people who visit SSA field offices are not senior citizens. Probably the singlest largest group of visitors are people who need to replace their social security number cards due to having lost their cards or changed their names.

  3. I don't believe that! Prove that replacement cards are the biggest visitor group.

  4. It is not even close--don't know where above is getting their info from, but in our fo over the past 12 months less than 20 percent of the visitors came in for ssn cards, including new and replacement.
    Initial claims, SSI redeterminations and other SSI p/e contacts are overwhelmingly the main reaons to come in to fo's.

  5. In my FO it's about a 50/50 split between social security cards and claims/PE. People definitely underestimate the workload that SS cards represent. We are getting more visitors as a result of the eVerify system for employers, and more people are choosing to file taxes electronically which brings people in to correct their name/DOB. That's an SS-5, even if they don't need/want a card mailed. The local prisons and universities bus people in for cards and they definitely spike at certain times of the year (back-to-school, tax time, and the flood of J1s in the summer months). Then you have situations with 1 number pulled, but it's really the whole family and nobody remembers to put everyone in VIP.
