
Mar 19, 2008

SSA Extended USProtect Contract After Problems Already Apparent

USProtect's website contains a press release showing that the Social Security Administration extended its contract with USProtect in July 2006. However, the company's problems were already apparent in 2002 and became more obvious in 2005 when bribery charges were filed.

Bribery was apparently involved in getting the contract with the Social Security Administration -- not bribery of anyone at Social Security, but bribery of a General Services Administration official who gave recommended USProtect to Social Security. Apparently, it was Social Security's Office of Inspector General who first received an anonymous report of the bribery involved in getting the Social Security contract.

Obviously, the Social Security Administration was aware of serious problems at USProtect in 2006 when the contract was extended. Why was this company's contract with Social Security extended?

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