
Apr 12, 2008

Fraud Alleged In Wisconsin

From the Racine Journal Times:
A man allegedly reported his social security checks stolen in order to double the amount of money he was collecting from the government.

William E. Price, 49, of 1109 Washington Ave., is charged with theft by false representation. If convicted, he could face up to $10,000 in fines and six years imprisonment. ...

A special agent working for the Office of the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration investigating that type of fraud found that Price had done that on at least 15 occasions between February 2001 and December 2002. In total, Price is accused of defrauding the government of $5,389.40.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely that it's not that SSA isn't dealing with the problems sympathetically rather than pushing paper. I think it's ok for him to explore new ways of doing business outside of the traditional 5 step allowance, but his ideas have been unfortunately named compassionate as if we aren't already feeling humans in spite of paper. Still I think you are being harsh about Mr Astrue's understanding of the system. His need to "fix" this part of the process stems from some sort of guilt he feels for his experiences with his dad's brain tumor. This is some kind of closure issue for him.
