
Apr 27, 2008

Hearing Update

There have been so many press releases concerned with this past Wednesday's House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Social Security's budget and backlog problem that I am going to sweep them into one post.

Senators Schumer and Clinton of New York put out a press release expressing outrage at Commissioner Astrue's assertion that lack of office space was behind the failure to add more Administrative Law Judges to the Buffalo hearing office. They are demanding more information from Astrue.

Mike McNulty, the chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee issued a press release on the day of the hearing.

Representative John Lewis of Georgia put out a press release shortly before the hearing, trying to drum up press attention.

Representative Xavier Becerra issued a press release and put his comments during the hearing onto YouTube.

Becerra also put up a second YouTube video from the hearing that contains some answers from Commissioner Astrue about staffing and office closures.

Finally, the ACLU has put out a press release commending the House Ways and Means hearing.

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