
Apr 18, 2008

Report On Simplifying SSI

The Social Security Administration's Office of Policy has produced a report entitled "Efforts Since 2000 to Simplify the SSI Program: Legislative and Regulatory Changes."

Goodness knows that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) needs simplification. It needs updating even more. The resource limits and earnings allowances are absurd.

1 comment:

  1. The point of this brief is to report on 9 small changes that have been made in SSI in 8 years? Geez. As a front line SSI claims rep, I could come up with 9 small changes every week that would simplify SSI. Of course, I don't know the ramifications of any changes that I would suggest and I understand the need for policy planners. But surely the policy wonks can and should quite a bit more effective than this brief indicates. What is the point of this brief anyway? Who is the audience? I am not impressed and think that whoever spent the time and effort to write and re-write this brief must have a really dull, boring workday.
