
Apr 23, 2008

Statement Of Witold Skwierczynski

Some excerpts from the statement of Witold Skwierczynski, President of the American Federation of Government Employees National Council of Social Security Field Operations Locals:
I present this statement on behalf of approximately 50,000 bargaining unit Social Security employees who work in over 1500 facilities nationwide. ...

The primary message the Union wants to convey to this Committee is that Social Security is in dire need of both additional administrative funding and Congressional oversight of its service delivery practices. ...

Claimants find it difficult to interact with a Social Security employee when they need assistance. 25 % of the calls to the 800 number are unanswered. If a claimant calls their local office they can’t get through 51% of the time. ...

Few claimants attempt to navigate the SSA hearings appeal system without representation. However, SSA has plans to encourage and assist 3rd parties in expanding the menu of services that they offer claimants for a fee. ...

Commissioner Astrue has decided to hire and train insufficient support staff that each new ALJ relies upon to prepare cases for hearing and write and process post-hearing decisions. ...

So far in FY 08 more than 61 percent of Social Security disability claims for benefits are approved in the Washington DC DDS, while just 30 percent of those who file for benefits are approved in the South Carolina DDS. New Hampshire approves the most initial SSI only disability cases with more than a 55 percent allowance rate. However, residents of Michigan, Ohio, Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia are approved less than 30 % of the time by their respective DDS. ...

Removing SSA’s LAE [Limitation on Administrative Expenditures, Social Security's operating budget] from discretionary spending caps will allow Congress to assess SSA’s administrative requirements without regard to the competing budgetary demands of the Departments of Labor, HHS and Education agencies. ...

Because potential payments are involved, SSA is required to send letters to people who fail to keep appointments and notify them that their benefits will be protected for up to six (6) months. If SSA does not send this letter, the protective filing date is left open and a person could be paid years of retroactive benefits if the matter is not dealt with promptly.

However, SSA has decided NOT to apply this law to Internet claims. Under the current system, when someone initiates an application on SSA’s Internet site but cannot complete it, SSA issues a confirmation number to the individual to re-access the application but the Agency does not consider the unsuccessful attempt to file evidence of a desire to file which would protect the date of filing. ...

In fact, SSA intends to solicit 3rd parties to engage in bulk filing of electronic claims for multiple claimants. This will enable for profit companies to offer a filing service for claimants in return for a fee. ...

Additionally, AFGE records indicate that in 2007 SSA closed a record number of offices. In 2007, the Administration closed 17 offices including:

Burbank, CA

Industry Hills, CA

San Fransisco-Parkside, CA

SF Western Addition, CA

San Pedro, CA

Hallandale, FL

Miami-Central, FL

St Louis NW, MO

Warrensburg, MO

Auburn, NY

Bay Ridge, NY

N Charleston, WV

Nacogdoches, TX

Cheektowaga, NY

Bronx River, NY

Carbondale, PA

Brentwood, PA

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