
Apr 14, 2008

Union Says Mangers Are Critical Of Electronic Services

From the National Council Digest, a newsletter put out by Council 220 of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), a labor union that represents much of Social Security's workforce:
A study commissioned by Social Security but recently leaked to DIGEST [a column in the newsletter] shows that just 16% of managers consider electronic services “very effective.” An even higher number view them as “not very” or “not at all effective.” The agency has been pushing this type of service delivery program (which involves using the internet) at the same time it reduces staffing at field offices and teleservice centers around the United States. “I’m not surprised by these results,” says Debbie Fredericksen, the Executive Vice President of Council 220. “Managers will always do what they’re told – but some of them will also speak their mind when given a chance.” The online survey was sent to more than 3,400 managers; there were eleven questions and the agency received 1,652 responses. The poll also revealed that only 28% of manag-ers rate their staffs as “very knowledgeable.” One in ten described their employees as “not very” or “not at all knowledgeable.”


  1. I think the biggest laugh in that Newsletter is "Give the public phone numbers for Pay-ment Centers when the PSC is working on a claim or post-entitlement action."

    Hell I work here and can't get someone at a PC to answer the phone 9 times out of 10. PC 5 and 7 being the worst. PC 4 must have people fired from McDonalds answering the phone, since they know nothing and refer the call to someone else. You always have to call back, since they never return your call.

  2. I vote goes to PC 8 as the worst at calling. Don't know why they even bother listing phone numbers in DOORS, they never pick up the phone.
