
May 6, 2008

$1 Billion In First Year?

I do not understand the difference between this and the GAO study, but this is from the written statement of Barbara Kennelly, of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare to the House Social Security Subcommittee:
The National Committee was dismayed to learn that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the cost to SSA of the major immigration proposal would be more than $1 billion – nearly 10 percent of the agency’s administrative budget – in just the first year of implementation. Over 10 years, the plan would cost over $9 billion.


  1. The difference is really between cost estimates provided by the agencies, under pressure to underestimate, and a more honest accounting by CBO. GAO's numbers are from the agencies, without any of GAO's usual scrubbing. The National Committee's numbers are more reflective of CBO's score for H.R. 4088.

  2. Spend it, whatever it takes.

    People are so worried about the SSDI backlog, like that that is the only thing that matters in America.

    Being over run with illegal aliens is much worse for the whole country and needs to be fixed before worrying about the SSDI backlog.
