
May 3, 2008

Democrats And Social Security As A Campaign Issue

Josh Marshall writing for The Hill:
Even if President Bush and his Republican allies wanted to forget about Social Security privatization and pretend everything from last year never happened, it still tells you something about the Democrats’ political acumen and general unseriousness that so many of them are seemingly happy to let them send the whole topic right down the memory hole. ...

[Social Security] is, to put it mildly, a perfect wedge issue — a resonant political issue that Democratic candidates can hit on and hit on and that Republicans are afraid to touch. And of course there’s the extra benefit in that it’s actually an issue of great substance and importance to millions of people in their daily lives, unlike the flag-burning amendment, gay marriage, the campaign to shut down The New York Times and whatever other bogus election-season issues Hill Republicans plan to gin up over the next three months.

For too many Democrats, though, it’s just out of sight out, out of mind. If Republicans are done talking about it, that’s good enough for them.

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